Why your website isn't working

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You Don't Have a Clear Offer

In order to make a sale, you need to have an offer.

This is the product or service that you're selling. It's what your visitor gets in exchange for their money (or email address).

Your offer should be something that:

  • is clear and simple -- your visitors should know exactly what they're getting when they click "Buy now" or "Join today!";
  • stands out from all the other offers on the market -- if your offer looks or feels like something else already out there, it'll be harder for visitors to choose you over all the competition; and
  • is front-and-center on every page of your website (especially the homepage) -- if visitors can't tell what you're offering them as soon as they land on your site, they won't stick around long enough to find out.

Your Writing Sucks

Here are a few tips for getting your site into better shape.

  • Find out why your website isn't working. To start, talk with the people whose opinions you trust most: your friends and family. Don't be afraid to ask them to read whatever it is you're trying to present and tell you how they feel about it. If they think something sounds good, but they don't know how to make sense of what they're reading, that's definitely worth knowing. You can even make a notecard with questions like “What do you like?” or “What's confusing?” that'll help guide your writing down the right path.
  • Practice writing on a piece of paper first. It's important to get used to expressing yourself in words before ever trying to write in an actual document (whether that means on paper or online). Start by writing a sentence that expresses what it feels like when someone loves somebody else; then try another sentence describing what it feels like when you realize this person has been very hurt by you; then keep going until you've stuffed as many different feelings into one sentence as possible. Once this exercise is finished, go back through and try rewriting it in active voice instead of passive voice (try “you love somebody else” instead of “he/she/it is loved”)… Then come back and rework your writing into bullets so that it's easier for readers to find the information they actually want rather than wandering around looking at various pieces of text they don't care about at all

Your Blog is a Ghost Town

Maybe your blog has been up and running for years, and you’ve got plenty of content. Yet, you still feel like it isn’t working.

What does that mean?

Well, if you can relate to any of the following statements, then your blog is likely a ghost town:

  • Posts on my blog get very few visitors.
  • My blog gets very little traffic overall
  • I don’t know what topics to write about anymore because I’ve covered them all in the past.
  • It seems like no one cares about my latest posts on social media or other platforms

Your Content is a Mess

You have the most important element of your website already: content. But if you don't take the time to make it good, then you won't get any conversions.

To improve your content, try using a headline analyzer and style guide. A headline analyzer helps you write catchy headlines for blog posts and web pages that will engage visitors and get them to click through to more content. A style guide can help keep your writing consistent across all of your marketing materials so that you create a recognizable brand identity.

Headlines are hard, so we created this tool that will give you suggestions on how to write better ones based on data from our blog posts (which typically do well on social media). Try it here: https://coschedule.com/headline-analyzer Test out different titles until they score at least 70% or higher according to this tool before publishing them live!

You're not on social media

If you want to engage with your customers, then you need a social media profile. Don't just set up a personal page and share your own content only. Share other people's content, and comment on other people's content. Reach out to others and tell them about your business so they can find it. Follow the other businesses in your area so you can see what they're doing and learn from them as well.

You're not active in communities and forums

Making connections with your audience is an essential part of promoting and growing your business. This can be done by being part of communities and forums for your industry, especially when you are just starting out. Not only does this allow you to show off what you know, but it also lets you learn from others in the field, which is crucial when trying to improve yourself and your business. When interacting with other people online, be helpful (but not spammy), authentic, consistent, add value to the conversation and stay on topic. Finally, ask questions and answer questions so that others get a feel for how knowledgeable you are about your given field.

You're not building your email list

That's why your website is down and not working properly. Take a look at these four key steps to correctly building an email list

  • Create a signup form on your website.
  • Decide the best way to build your email list. Email, freemium, free trial, user growth?
  • Select an email list software provider. There are many out there; some are better than others. Make sure you spend some time researching them before picking one from Capterra or similar websites.
  • Get started! Set up your plan with a good service provider (lots of well-designed plans to choose from). You can also set it up manually if you have the tech chops; just be sure you understand what's being done and that changes won't affect your data integrity

Learn how to make your website work for you.

Your website is your best chance to make a great first impression. Learn how to make it work for you:

  • Put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Think about what they might want from your website, and how you can give it to them.
  • Create a website that makes it easy for customers to buy from you. If you're not sure where to start, look at competitor websites and see what works for them (and note what doesn't).
  • Use a clear and concise writing style. Stay on topic with each page, and don't be afraid to write in short sentences! Your audience will thank you for it.
  • Build trust with your audience by making your contact information visible—include a physical address as well as phone number and email address on every page of your site if possible. You should also consider offering 24-hour customer service through live chat, support forums or social media channels like Twitter

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